Welcome to My World

Photo on 2014-01-30 at 16.55 - Version 7

Hello fellow travellers.

My name is Barbara Farrelly.

I am 57.

I live in a tiny fishing village on the east coast of Australia with Stage IV COPD. (There is no stage V).

I have been living with serious lung disease for 15 years — one of the millions who are, or will be, affected by emphysema. But I did start down this path awfully young and I’ve learnt a lot. I want to share that experience, strength and hope with others in the same boat.

I wear a nose-hose and consider oxygen to be performance enhancing and life preserving.
Woo Hoo! (Imagine all the coal miners who never had O2).

I am a seeker. A stargazer. Passionate about food and concerned for all creatures, great and small.

I love books, films, TV and, when I can get there, the theatre and concerts. I follow world events with an equal measure of horror and optimism.

Gardening. Cryptic Crosswords. Cats, and *Gongoozling are some of my favourite things.

Welcome to The Departure Lounge.

Join the conversation.

*Gongoozle is a lost word, meaning to stare idly at the ocean, or any watercourse.

20 thoughts on “Welcome to My World

  1. I am expecting your plane to be delayed, and your stay in the departure lounge to be long, but not in the least boring or purposeless! I’m looking forward to your memories and insights, liberally laced with wit and pith. Thank goodness you didn’t take offence but got up off your duff and started this blog.


  2. Barbara, I suffer from COPD as well, and came to visit and follow your Blog because you visited mine and decided to follow. My doctor, and it seems, that many in the US has addopted the term “End Stage” (where I am) as that final step beyond Stage 4. I have blogging my thoughts on COPD for almost 2 years. During the journey I have started using my blog to write “Grandpa Tales” for the sake of my granddaughter, and just about whatever else is on my mind. I look forward to getting to know you, to relate to your struggles, and share information as much as possible. My email address is DealingWithCOPD@aol.com, or of course thru the comments of the blog. Please take care, and be safe Bill.


  3. Thank you Barbara, like other readers fortunate to share some time in the Departure Lounge with you I will be that much richer when I alight or travel on somewhere…


  4. Hello Beautiful Barb,
    Hello from gorgeous Birubi . I am one of the luckiest people on God’s earth coz I know you already & deem it an honour to join your precious world .Thank-you for creating this amazing forum.

    Barb you are the most caring, warm ,loving ,intelligent ,witty ,creative,artistic,prettiest noble , naughty ,high achieving, hard working,author extraordinaire ,leader ,fighter,defiant, joyful, interesting ,strong, giving ,constant honest,wise ,feminine,sharing & thoughtful person I know. PHeeeeeeeeeeeW. EVERY WORD IS TRUE

    Oh ,did I mention your *CAN DO ATTITUDE * attached to your **UP you Charlie Brown stance??**
    Typical Aussie here, cannot have your fellow travellers thinking you are some boring Saint !

    OK Frances, are you shaking your head or nodding here ??
    PRECIOUS BARB, COL & I remember with all our gratitude that you almost single handedly saved our daughter’s life.
    ESP is alive & well,she ph’d this very instant to report all is well.God does work in mysterious ways THANK_YOU
    Time to end ,we feel so sad thinking of you battling constantly for air.
    At times like this I would love Holly’s fairy wand to make you all better.

    We love you ,miss you,think of you both heaps ALL OUR LOVE & SINCERE GRATITUDE

    PS DID I SAY the hugest THANK-YOU for all that you have done ?????
    PPS CANNOT resist ” SEE youse if youse could be so lucky !!!! Would not like to embarrass you of-course xox


    • Jules! Hello, nice to think of you up the coast – your spiritual home.
      Thank you for your extravagantly kind words – Frances knows I’m far from perfect: ) Meeting you and your amazing family has been so special for me. You inspire me Jules, by your own strength of purpose and, apart from my dear Mum, I have never meant someone for whom family is so important – no matter what the cost. You light up a room and everyone who has been loved by you, knows they have been loved! Take care. x


  5. Hello again dear B, I was really happy to receive your lovely reply , thank-you.
    Col & I are so sorry for your great loss of your gorgeous cats, such a dreadful wrench .& of-course saddened +++ knowing you have reached Stage 4 of your disease.
    I am delighted to join you & all of your warm interesting & supportive friends in the intimacy of your own home Barb.
    Trust you to come up with the idea & name . It is confronting but the honesty is so you.

    I am so touched by this blog site,as usual you are thinking of others & allowing us into your rarified space to also gain strength.
    I love your wisdom ,deep ponderings , colourful imagery, sense of humour ,generosity & empathy. You know no bounds.
    I am not sure I could possibly be compared to your Mum but yes you are right my family is everything to me.
    Thanks mostly to you I can happily report that we are at present a fairly unified & happy little (no large ) unit .

    I would like to share a beautiful scene with you when you are as comfy as possible. I do hope this is fine with you.
    I hope you can close your eyes gently ,shrug your shoulders & let go , relax your jaw ,take a little breath or 2 & visualise this little vignette.

    Outside the sun is shining ,whale highway is busy with a few late stragglers on their way North to Hervey Bay. to have their young & cavort. There is little time for play here as their needs are pressing.

    As I gaze at the calm sea I imagine God’s garden beneath in all its glorious shapes shades & colours.
    Can you see the sea-weed swaying like wheat in a field.? .Can you imagine the petite white stingrays nestling in the sand causing a flurry of angels dust to rise & fall then settle like a silk scarf purposefully on their backs ?

    Now Nemo & his special friends all colours of a rainbow flit knowingly from here to there.
    On the bed of the ocean sea urchins lurch to & fro as the tide drifts . They are protected by pretty coral shapes & God,s
    mesmerising garden of swaying weed. Tiny crabs scurry along stealthily guarded by their own chosen house .

    Above these mysterious depths sea birds large & small swoop ,preen, dance,& call.
    I feel at ease after my journey with you but then my thoughts of concern return to you dear friend & a little restlessness appears . Keep your peaceful loving kind positive thoughts rolling , we shall too.
    I so wish I could be sitting on the floor beside you & holding your hand sometimes or guarding you as you sleep
    Luckily you have the wonderful Frances .
    Long may that be so. AMEN Here endeth the EPISTLE .

    We send masses of warm fuzzies to you both & as your friend & correspondent DEREK says



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